
UES, coffee, Mexico (producer)

Leading the way in agricultural best practice and high quality production, UES (Union de Ejidos y Comunidades San Fernando, S.P.R. de R.I.) were keen to take action when their coffee plantation was affected by Roya disease in 2014.

With their devastated farmers facing extensive damage to their coffee plants, they approached us for finance to support their plantation renewal programme to create healthier crops.

Assistant General Manager Silvia Herrera, said:

“We are very grateful to Shared Interest for believing in our plantation renewal program. The production during the last season increased by 29% thanks to the planned efforts. Our producers now have healthier farms and Roya is finally under control.”

A commitment with nature

Longer term, as well as being able to prevent the spread of Roya, they are also expecting a 48% increase in their coffee production.

UES farmers don’t simply look at how they can improve the production and quality of their coffee. As a social enterprise, they develop community projects to fit with the needs of their producers. They are even working with the Government to help farmers improve their housing conditions.

UES state: “The commitment we have made with nature and love of the countryside drives us to keep in organic production, and not only that, but look for alternatives that allow us to give back a little of everything that the earth has given us. We are in a privileged area, where land, water and climate are supplemented for the production of our coffee.”

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