Customer and portfolio development
Effective portfolio management relies on consistent yet tailored communication with our diverse customer base. We recognise the unique challenges faced by customers in remote rural areas where communication infrastructure remains limited, necessitating adaptable messaging strategies that ensure clarity and accessibility.
Throughout 2024, we strengthened customer relationships, identified new business opportunities, and addressed performance and arrears issues during various events, fairs, and visits across South America, East Africa, West Africa, and Central America. Although we could not visit all customers, a total of 46 customers were visited across 18 trips during the year. The graph below demonstrates the length of our relationships with our customers.

Connecting with our Customers
South America
In South America, we attended key industry fairs, starting with Expocafé in Lima, Peru where colleagues met with existing coffee customers to discuss ongoing relationships. This was followed by the Cacao and Chocolate Fair in Lima which provided colleagues the opportunity to meet face-to-face with customers, reinforcing support and collaboration. Our presence at Biofach Brazil in June 2024 opened new portfolio expansion possibilities.
Central America
We continued our presence in Central America with key customer visits, including Sintercafé in Costa Rica, where our team engaged with coffee industry stakeholders. At Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) Chicago, the main global coffee trade fair, we further developed relationships and identified opportunities to grow our portfolio.
Throughout the year, we conducted visits to both potential and existing customers in Honduras and Nicaragua, ensuring continuous support and oversight of customers current trading performance. Similarly, at Biofach Germany we focused on expanding connections with both potential and existing customers.
East Africa
In East Africa, our team participated in critical industry events and customer visits. The Africa Fine Coffee Association (AFCA) Conference, a key event for the coffee sector, allowed us to interact with regional and international stakeholders. Aceli Africa is a programme designed to address the perceived $65 billion financing gap for agricultural SMEs, in Africa (small and medium-sized enterprises). Shared Interest is a beneficiary of this as we receive incentives for some new lending and can access their first loss cover fund.
We attended the Aceli Africa Convening which helped strengthen our relationship with financial partners and technical service providers, while the Africa Food Systems Conference enabled us to engage with players in the agri-food system. Focused monitoring and due diligence visits to Uganda enabled engagement with eight prospective and one existing customer. While a trip to Rwanda encompassed monitoring of five accounts and evaluation of two potential prospects.
West Africa
In West Africa, we actively participated in sector-focused events and engaged with customers to address key challenges and opportunities. The Ivorian Fair Trade Network (RICE) Conference in Ivory Coast was pivotal, due to the visibility it offered with key industry partners. Our team presented on social finance opportunities and connected with key prospects at this event.

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