
Improving cocoa production in Ivory Coast through the biological control of pests and diseases

Introducing an Innovative, Production-Boosting Biopesticide

On the 21st of August in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, our sister charity, Shared Interest Foundation, celebrated the official launch of its groundbreaking latest project: ‘Improving cocoa production in Ivory Coast through the biological control of pests and diseases’.

Delivered in partnership with the Centre for the Production of Biopesticides of the University Felix Houphouet Boigny (CPB) and Réseau Ivoirien du Commerce Equitable (RICE), this pilot project will involve researching, developing, producing and delivering an innovative biopesticide designed to strengthen the cocoa supply chain in Côte d'Ivoire by increasing production through enhanced pest and disease management. 

This biopesticide will be formulated to be effective against significant threats facing cocoa production including pests such as capsids and cocoa swollen shoot virus. The biopesticide will be tested across a sample of 200 cocoa farms from four co-operatives across the cocoa growing regions in Ivory Coast.

Shared Interest Foundation Manager, Kodzo Korkortsi, attended the event alongside representatives from RICE, University Felix Houphouet Boigny, University of Ghana, Ministry of Agriculture, ANADER, Cocoa and Coffee Council (CCC), and participating cocoa co-operatives. The event was also attended by local news networks including the Ivorian National Television.

A Pioneering Partnership

Following the event, Professor Brahima Camara of University Felix Houphouet Boigny, commented:

“This project is of national interest as we are world number one producer of cocoa. I am impressed by the level of engagement of all stakeholders represented here. I am glad they are all in support of the project and this is very motivating”. 

Mr Fortin Bley, President of RICE, said:

“The launch of this project today is a joyful moment for me and for all cocoa producers in Côte d’Ivoire. Working with partners such as the University Felix Houphouet Boigny to develop sustainable solutions for the control of pests and diseases is a great privilege for RICE. We will strengthen and expand this partnership for the benefit of our producers. I thank Shared Interest Foundation for facilitating this partnership”.

For the sustainability of the cocoa sector

This project marks a pioneering initiative in Ivory Coast, and we are deeply appreciative of our local partners for their invaluable contributions of time and expertise over the past months, which have been instrumental in making this launch possible.

This project is an excellent demonstration of a collaboration between a research institution and industry to solve critical societal problems to enhance cocoa production in Ivory Coast.

While our pilot phase will initially support a limited number of cocoa farmers, our goal is to leverage the data and evidence gathered to secure additional funding, enabling us to significantly scale up the production and distribution of the biopesticide and contribute towards increased sustainability of the cocoa sector.

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