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Ethical content gathering

In 2024, we maintained our commitment to authentic storytelling by leveraging volunteer interpreters and translators to amplify producer voices. This approach has enhanced our communication impact while upholding ethical content management standards across written, photographic, and video materials.

Our content gathering process centres on sustained producer engagement and informed consent. We strengthened these practices through active participation in the People in the Pictures group and Communications Working Group both organised by Bond, a UK network for organisations working in international development.

Additionally, we continued our involvement with Mile 91's storytelling strategy development initiatives. Mile 91 support organisations to develop robust systems for story gathering and co-creation.

Image: Jeninah Tumwebaze, a groundnut farmer from Rushebeya, Uganda and participant in Shared Interest Foundation's groundnut value addition project.

Professional content production expanded through collaborations with our vetted in-country photographers and filmmakers. This content has been featured across our online channels and print publications such as QR and our Annual Reviews.

Impact Studies

Our Impact Studies and more detailed impact case studies, featured in this report, form a large part of our content gathering activity. This encompassed comprehensive supply chain documentation through interviews, photography, and film, conducted by our team with translation support where needed.

Click here to read the full Social Accounts document.

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