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Help us 'Get to Greenbelt'

Help us 'Get to Greenbelt'
29 March 2022

As we begin our return to outdoor events, we hope that Greenbelt Festival will be the first, following a successful visit in August 2019.   Here, Volunteer Engagement Manager Sally Seddon explains how we can make this possible.

Why Greenbelt Festival?

The Greenbelt theme of ‘Wake Up’ feels particularly important as we emerge from two years without face-to-face events.  We have so many powerful stories to tell about the farmers and artisans that we work with, which often spark great conversations. With its focus on positivity, action and inspiration, Greenbelt feels like a great place to get things underway.

What would it involve?

In 2019, I enjoyed working with a team of 20 volunteers on our busy stand in the Takeaway Area.  We are really excited to return this summer and bring Shared Interest stories to life. This year, we would be positioned in the same zone from Friday 26th to Monday 29th August. Housed in a street-market style, this is a dedicated space for charities and other organisations to promote their work to festivalgoers.

But we can’t do it without your help 

We have made our application to the Greenbelt Festival but we need a similar number of volunteers to make it a reality.

If you plan to attend Greenbelt and would like to join our friendly team of event volunteers, please get in touch with me at or call 0191 233 9102 for further information. Full training and support will be provided.

“How glad I was to be able to support this initiative and impressed I was with your preparation both of stall materials and volunteers.”

Shared Interest Event Assistant at Greenbelt 2019.

Header image: Greenbelt from the official festival website

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