We are delighted to share the news that Shared Interest has been awarded The Queen’s Award for Sustainable Development.  Receiving this prestigious accolade means that The Prime Minister has advised Her Majesty the Queen that Shared Interest’s work is beneficial to society, the environment, and economy.  Our founder, Mark Hayes, would have been so proud to receive this award for the organisation he began here in Newcastle, in 1990.

It is the third time Shared Interest has been awarded within this category, previously recognised in 2008 and 2013.  Since winning the award for the second time in 2013, we have increased our UK investment total by over £15m.  Our investors are incredibly loyal, and stay with Shared Interest for an average of 14 years.  Their investment made it possible for our financial services to impact almost 400,000 people last year alone.

Patricia Alexander, Shared Interest Managing Director, said: “The Award is a symbol of the hard work and dedication of every single person involved in the organisation.  Being recognised in our 30th year, and so close to our anniversary on the 25th April, makes this a very special privilege.

“What does it mean for us as a business and as a team?  It is a badge of honour and symbol of pride that our organisation is achieving its mission, and fulfilling its role in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.”

To find out more about what being part of Shared Interest means to those involved, please watch our short film below.


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